Exterior Design

A Harmonious Fusion of Legacy and Nature

The Superleggera Veloce12’s design draws from a rich blend of automotive legacy and nature’s remarkable engineering. At the heart of our vision lies a vehicle renowned for its timeless elegance and performance, a model that sets the benchmark for seamlessly merging power and grace. This iconic foundation ensures that the Veloce12 carries forward a legacy of excellence while introducing fresh innovations.

A profound source of inspiration for the Superleggera Veloce12 is the white shark. As an apex predator, it embodies a perfect balance of strength, speed, and streamlined efficiency. Its sleek, aerodynamic form, designed by nature to glide effortlessly through water, informed our approach to both aerodynamics and aesthetics. We aimed to capture the essence of the shark’s powerful yet graceful presence, translating its fluid lines and muscular contours into the Superleggera Veloce12’s design.

This dual inspiration - legendary automotive predecessors and nature’s most efficient creatures - guided us in creating a vehicle that is both a homage to history and a tribute to nature’s engineering. The result is a car that exudes both heritage and innovation, blending the best elements of human engineering and natural design.

“The Veloce12 draws inspiration from the golden age of mid-20th century Italian coachbuilding, yet also embraces the cutting edge of contemporary design and technical innovation, with flowing lines, sleek surfaces, and sweeping, gracefully defined curves. It is a pure distillation of what Touring Superleggera represents,” explains Matteo Gentile, Head of Design at Touring Superleggera.

Among the standout features of the Superleggera Veloce12 are the side wings and the front bumper air passage. These elements not only enhance the vehicle’s aesthetic appeal but also play crucial roles in its aerodynamic performance and overall functionality. The side wings, inspired by the sleek and dynamic forms found in nature, add a sense of fluidity and motion to the car’s profile. Meticulously crafted to reduce drag and improve stability at high speeds, they ensure that the car remains grounded and responsive. Their seamless integration with the car’s bodywork exemplifies the harmony between form and function, making them a highlight of the design.

Equally impressive is the front bumper air passage. This feature is a perfect blend of engineering and artistry, drawing inspiration from the white shark’s efficient design. It channels air efficiently through the car’s front end, optimizing engine cooling and enhancing aerodynamic efficiency. The air passage design not only serves a vital technical purpose but also contributes to the aggressive and purposeful look of the car’s front fascia.
The Superleggera Veloce12 is thus a masterpiece of motive art, embodying the elegance and innovation that define Touring Superleggera.